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Lerch RV

A Grand Local featured business!


Phone (717) 667-1400
Fax (717) 667-1401 - Fax
Address 70 Commerce Drive,
Milroy, PA 17063 United States


Lerch RV offers discount prices and great service at their Milroy, Pennsylvania location. Lerch RV carries a very wide array new and used RVs.
Our high volume purchasing, low overhead allows us to offer low show prices everyday on a large selection of new RVs by Keystone RV Company and Open Range. Check out our extensive line up of new inventory of travel trailers and fifth wheels including Sprinter, Open Range, Passport, Outback, Summerland, Springdale, Montana, Springdale, and Copper Canyon.
If you are looking for a pre-owned RV. Lerch RV has what you are looking for. From Pop-Ups through Travel Trailers, from 15' trailers to 42' Fifth Wheels, check out our inventory of used trailers.

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